Nice to
meet you.
Mindset matters. It influences everything!
Andy Workman
Thanks for taking the time to visit me. I hope you find both this page and the services I offer of interest.
I am a Solution-Focused Hypnotherapist, Author, Motivational Speaker and Broadcaster. I am also a qualified Therapy Supervisor, providing mentoring and support to fellow therapists.
I specialise in matters of mindset or, putting it another way, the habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. Utilising my training as a Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, along with a good deal of life experience gained as a husband, father and thirty years as a police officer, I am able to offer you assistance in meeting your full potential and enjoying life to the full.
My book ‘Cavemen and Polar Bears’ covers the subjects of mood and mindset management and perfectly complements my presentation of the same name.
I offer presentations, seminars and workshops to businesses, teams, organisations and social groups as well as one to one therapy sessions.
I invite you to browse the pages of this site in order to find the information you require. If you cannot find what you need, or you have questions that remain unanswered, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always more than happy to assist.

GHR - Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register
AfSFH - Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
MNCH (Lic) - National Council for Hypnotherapy
MHS - Member of The Hypnotherapy Society
SFBHyp - Certificate in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
CBTHyp - Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
HPD - Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma
DHP - Diploma in Hypnotherapy Practice
SFBTSupv (Hyp) - Solution Focused Therapy Supervisor
GQHP - General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice